Ricky Allman

, 4 December 2010

He-man or Superman would definitely have loved to live in one of Allman’s surrealistic worlds & landscapes. Sharp mountains that could only come from the most sophisticated sci-fi world…

Being born in Provo, Utah (where an estimated eighty-eight per cent of residents are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) religion has a big influence in his works (& life).


In Allman’s case the notion of religious extremism is somehow familiar…. He was closely acquainted with relatives of Dan Lafferty and Ervil LeBaron, infamous Mormon extremists whose fundamentalist beliefs had led them to murder.  The association, though tentative, was disturbing, but more worrying still was the realization that both men were “doctrinally very close to the way I was taught to believe.”


“It’s no surprise, therefore, that among the many polarities in his work the sacred and secular likewise jostle for pre-eminence. Church steeples rise hesitantly from indeterminate constructions; temples, at times clearly visible, are just as often obscured by a landslide of marks and forms.

Above all, these symbols of faith are depicted intermittently as light-filled or dark with shadow, their potential for both good and evil clearly rendered through the nuance of colour”.


You may want (just may) to visit his website for diving into his many other parallel worlds filled with extreme metaphors and doctor doom’s buildings (via triangulation).