Fail Forever

, 12 November 2010

When Whitey meets Anthony in the form of a new Scandinavian sweet & sour indie band (or “avante-garde pop” as they put themselves) you get When Saints Go Machine, the latest acquisition by K7! & EMI….

Only one EP “Fail Forever” that shall be released next January with some ineresting additions & mixes by Jochen Schmalbach (even though their last year album “Ten Makes A Face” includes this song which become a single back in August 2009) and a website with some sort of video-art for the new generation.

(and now that their going international they’ve shot a new video deleting the previous one…. sad)

Their first album received pretty good reviews, and we’re eager to see them reaching a wider international audience (in the meanwhile you can try ti import their album here), and now that K7! is pushing them abroad we presume Silas Moldenhawer, Jonas Kenton, Simon Muschinsky & Nikolaj Manuel Vonsild will start traveling a lot more.

When Saints Go Machine- Fail Forever by !K7 Records