Monday Morning & Monongah, WV

, 5 November 2010

We like weekend summer sunny videos in weekend winter rainy days like this next one (at least in this north part of Europe), and Kevin Johnson and Shaun Durkan (2 of the 3 members of Weekend with Abe Pedroza) just posted their first video from their upcoming “Sports”….… Weekend’s debut album that you may want to listen to on the npr site  here (until next Tuesday). And the video, well…. that collective of animals and boiling hot San Francisco suburban pavement with all those smiling creatures toasting with gas….. they leave the message to us.

Their LP is out in a couple of days released under Slumberland… loud guitars, synthetic & aggressive but tactile rock, very noisy, very fuzzy, very dusty…. very special indeed (in a good way, listen to it).

Weekend “End Times” by Slumberland Records