App: Article grabber

, 24 September 2010

We discovered this morning on TechCrunch TV an app (well… a project in course…) developed by Stanford college student named Parth Bhakta. And we really loved the idea. Obviously not for the “amazing” paper-sketchy demonstration done to TC editor Erick Schonfeld, but for all the implications behind… buying “single” articles instead of a whole magazine…

now imagine for a second if you could just take every week or month the articles you love the most from your preferred publications…. The Economist, Courier International, Wired, Fast Company or columnists, writers… and instead of buying the whole bunch where (let’s be honest) you barely read 30% from all articles, just buy the ones that really interest you.

An app that brings you an “article supermarket” to your smart-phone or pad…. will big communication groups & magazines allow this? mmmmm disruptive certainly.