the shit machine

, 19 September 2010

We already spotted Matthieu Bessudo’s (aka Mcbess) work when he animated the music videos for Dead Pirates last year and we’ve grown our love for his retro b&w rocky illustrations over time…

Matthieu describes himself as an “expensive” illustrator & director, currently living in London he moved to the city for working in the visual effects studio “The Mill” three years ago and his work demands & cache keep growing exponentially.

He studied animation @ one of those French “Écoles” we post and talk about nearly every month … Supinfo, but his extremely rich “old school” illustrations inspired in the 30s animation are what truly set him apart (although you should also check out his other animation & illustration works).

Fatigue (tired)
going to the supermarket with mom

On his website you shall discover many more works of this music lover who plays in his free time , and if not, you can carry the “Germinator” app he’s been working on lately if you have an iPad….