wolframalpha widget builder

, 30 July 2010

What originally was going to be a serious challenge for Google search (anyone remembers Wolfram Alpha?) hasn’t stayed in our collective memory for long… at least not ours… because we are not researchers in need of exact factual-data, but hey, the team directed by just made it easier for all of us to use their “Computational knowledge engine” with widgets!

The Wolfram Alpha research team now bring us all the possibility to take the brains of WA and put them in our websites, blogs, wikis….  The Builder lets you tap the service’s data store and computational engine to craft and customize info-driven widgets for your blog or site. Easy peasy.

Their widgets are mini-apps built on top of Wolfram|Alpha queries. You can build your own, or find useful widgets in the Widget Gallery. Share them in Facebook, Twitter, email, or anywhere else…. a deep explanation:

unfortunately for now there are only about 10 widgets from Salary Comparision, to Olympic performance by country or see the weather in your city. This has quite some potential and we encourage you (if you have time) to go & try to build your own widget!