Elise Lammer

AUGURY @ BQ Berlin, 8 Jul – 6 Aug

6 July 2016

The AUGURY group show is on at Berlin’s BQ gallery, opening July 8 and running August 6.

Curated and compiled by Adam Fearon, John HoltenCaique Tizzi of Agora and Raphaela Vogel, AUGURY, which means an omen or the work of someone who can interpret omens, is “about reading”.

Featured alongside the artists whose work will be installed or somehow displayed in the relatively new Berlin space for the exhibition’s duration, such as Peter König, Cathy Wilkes, Richard Wright, as well as Fearon and Vogel themselves, the curators have put together a series of events too featuring a whole host of artists and writers.

Tizzi will present ‘The Rose Garden Bar’ during the opening event on July 8, the first in a line of occasional and different bar-scenarios running throughout the month. Although it is not clear what form the other presentations or readings will take, on July 22 there will be work by Elise Lammer, on July 29 by Joel Mu and Barbara Spiller and Angela Steigler. On August 5 there are several book launches, including a contribution from Jonathan Monk, followed by a presentation by Swedish poet Karl Holmqvist.

See the BQ website website for details.**

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Three exhibitions @ SALTS, Jun 16 – Aug 28

14 June 2016

Three exhibitions will open at SALTS in Birsfelden, opening June 16 and running to August 28.

The first space, organised by SALTS curators Samuel Leuenberger and Elise Lammer will see a duo exhibition by Owen Piper and Lili Reynaud-Dewar called on how to talk dirty and influence people. It promises the offer of a rich show, glittered in the biographical, and hinting at a retrospective conversation between the two artists, who have known each other for decades.

The second, My History of Flows, is by Lena Henke who will use water to change the interior and exterior architecture of the exhibition space. The third, curated by New York-based artist and poet Harry Burke will feature the work of Penny GoringLorraine O’GradyLady PinkArleen Schloss and Martine Syms and is titled Works Off Paper.

The artists, whose work will be installed in SALTS’ ‘Printed Room’, have practices that span what the short text describes as ‘multimodality’ in relation to the word: Fragments of text exist as images in circulation as much as they exist as conjunctions of syntax, metre, person.

See the SALTS website for more information on each show.**

Lene Henke (studio visit) where she showed everything outside her studio (2014). Courtesy the artist and Spike Art Magazine
Lene Henke (studio visit) where she showed everything outside her studio (2014). Courtesy the artist and Spike Art Magazine.


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In Space no one can hear… @ Galleria Giovanni Bonelli‎, Apr 5 – May 17

5 April 2016

The In Space No One Can Hear You Laugh group show is on at Milan’s Galleria Giovanni Bonelli, opening April 5 and running May 17.

Featuring the likes of Julius von Bismark —who will show work at this year’s Moscow International Biennale for Young Art —artist and curator Elise Lammer and artist Tyra Tingleff the show will display artworks that create their own worlds, their own economies and self-fulfilling systems as a way to think about alternative ways of being.

Taking science fiction as a parallel model, In Space No One Can Hear You Laugh deals with “things not yet to come, with images charged with a state of future potential or spaces infused with a radical temporality”, and puts us “in touch with the ability to imagine, and with the imaginary’s capacity to build new worlds.”

The show is curated by Clarissa Tempestini.

See the PDF press release for more information.**

Elise Lammer, courtesy the artist.
Elise Lammer, courtesy the artist.


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ALPINA HUUS… (2015) event photos

7 August 2015

Using the distinctive DDR (Deutsche Demokratische Republik) architecture of Berlin’s Schinkel Pavillon as a setting, ALPINA HUUS. House of Deep Transformation in 11 Acts, which happened on March 28 2015, was described by its press release “as a subtle act of utopian resistance”.

It was a series of performances “articulated around communal practice within domestic environments” and curated by Elise Lammer and Denis Pernet, a one day event that included a number of artists – including Pauline Beaudemont, Donatella Bernardi, Maud Constantin; Dawn Mok, Gilles Furtwängler, John Monteith and more – invited to intervene in the venue on Museum Island.

'ALPINA HUUS.' (2015). Installation view. Schinkel Pavilion, Berlin.
ALPINA HUUS. (2015). Installation view. Schinkel Pavilion, Berlin.

Originally built in 1969, the Schinkel’s floor-to-ceiling windows were covered with origami-like paper cutouts, by artists, in the octagon-shaped hall obscuring the panoramic view of the historic centre. The building’s unique characteristics, ideal for interventional performance and installation, accentuated the event, making the large rock-like interactive sculptural landscape occupying the centre more dynamic.

The performances were continuous experiments, the subjects of the experiments were the audience. Ranging from music to storytelling, the nature of the performances blurred the lines between theater and life, inviting audience members to participate while creating an undetectable spectacle. At ALPINA HUUS the guest is never really quite sure what is and isn’t part of the program.**

Exhibition photos, top right.

ALIPINA HUUS. was on at Berlin’s Schinkel Pavilion on March 28, 2015.

Header image: ALPINA HUUS. (2015). Performance. Schinkel Pavilion, Berlin.

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Associations New @ SALTS (2014) exhibition photos

18 November 2014

An 18th-century bourgeois salon-hang for the 21st-century privilege of art production. The material parallels between the seemingly long-outdated practice of showing off a painting collection to friends and business associates in the semi-private surounds of a French living room and the nature of art display via a desktop are uncannily similar. That’s something curators Samuel Leuenberger and Elise Lammer picked up on with “cluster hung painting show” Associations New at Birsfelden’s SALTS, running from October 4 to December 8.

Associations New (2014) a cluster hung painting show @ SALTS. Installation view. Photos by Gunnar Meier. Courtesy the gallery.
Associations New (2014) a cluster hung painting show @ SALTS. Installation view. Photos by Gunnar Meier. Courtesy the gallery.

Featuring the work of 25 artists from their personal networks, Leuenberger and Lammer sought contributions of one to three paintings – from gouache on paper, egg-tempera, acrylic and oil on canvas – under 50 x 50 cm, to be hung in the kind of clusters that reduce the relevance of an individual work to being only an element of a greater display of an Enlightened household’s cultural (and economic) wealth. Now compare that with the appropriated images of a private blog or Tumblr scroll, where a personal aesthetic is publicly presented via online networks that are restricted to an audience educated in a particular cultural language, with access to and an understanding of the internet.

In the photos from Associations New, only a handful of them feature the credited work of individual arists, including Charlotte Herzig‘s ‘Landscape, the sun is actually red’ (2014) and Henning Strassburger‘s ‘o.T’ (2014), that yells “LOOK WHAT I PAINT” in black scrawl through the lurid pink and black noise of oil and acrylic. The rest are reduced to an ‘installation view’ of wall-hung paintings by the likes of Max Brand, Claudia Comte, Thomas Jeppe, Jan Kiefer and more, while a link to Pauline Beaudemont‘s concurrent L’Age D’or exhibition next door comes in two square concrete ‘chairs’, designed for the almost empty garage cubicles outside.

Associations New (2014) a cluster hung painting show @ SALTS. Installation view. Photos by Gunnar Meier. Courtesy the gallery.
Associations New (2014) a cluster hung painting show @ SALTS. Installation view. Photos by Gunnar Meier. Courtesy the gallery.

Each block seat features a quote from a film and a fiction work: one from Jacques Tati epic Play Time (1967) on a future vision of Parisian modernity and the other from objectivist Ayn Rand’s famous novel The Fountainhead. It’s taken from the part of the book where vulgar publisher and passionate private art collector Gail Wynand offers indvidualistic modernist architect a contract while announcing, “You will take your spectacular talent and make it subservient to the taste of the masses.”

As per the press release, the ‘salon’ concept also refers to the official art exhibition of the Académie des Beaux-Arts, Salon de Paris, initiated by Louis XIV in 1667. This idea of ceiling-to-floor presentations of paintings was developed in response to lack of space and became not only an exhibition of wealth but an instrument of political power. These days that display comes in the manner of privately-funded public institutions, branded art fairs and corporatised content-sharing platforms. **

Associations New group exhibition is on at Birsfelden’s SALTS, running October 4 to December 8, 2015.

Header image: Associations New (2014) a cluster hung painting show @ SALTS. Installation view. Photos by Gunnar Meier. Courtesy the gallery.

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