‘Visual Cultures as…’

Visual Cultures as… @ Goldsmiths, Feb 5

4 February 2014

The Department of Visual Cultures at London’s Goldsmiths is launching book series Visual Cultures as… on February 5.

Interrogating divergent perspectives on the field of Visual Cultures, the series of short, co-authored paperbacks each interrogate a topic, in two essays, in one book. The first three titles feature Visual Cultures as …Seriousness, …Recollection and, most interestingly, …Objects and Affects. They’ll be supplemented on the night by a panel discussion featuring their respective authors –including Gavin Butt, Jorella Andrews, Lynn Turner, Astrid Schmetterling, Simon O’Sullivan and Irit Rogoff –as well as music by Otolith Group members Mark Fisher and Kodwo Eshun.

Read an aqnb comment on ‘The object in ‘Net Art‘ and see the Goldsmiths website for details. **

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