Rich Mix

Himali Singh Soin + David Tappeser @ Rich Mix, Sep 16

15 September 2016

Himali Singh Soin and David Tappeser are presenting performance lecture ‘You Really Got Me Now’ at London’s Rich Mix on September 16.

As part of the East London venue’s Radical Ideas programme, the event comes introduced with a press release that offers the tagline “A story about love, dreams and imaginary borders at the confluence of multiple realities” and a tongue-in-cheek trailer (see below).

The performance is described as an experimental, multi-faceted account of “a reconstituted/remembered past”, featuring Indian poet Sing Soin —who recently took part in The White Pube’s Zayn Malik Zindabad screening —and German jazz musician Tappeser. It will include a spoken word and music performance following the narrative of the two artist’s history together, as mapped out and reconstructed via their words, sounds “artifacts, memorabilia and digital traces”.

See the Rich Mix website for details.**

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DIY Culture 2015 @ Rich Mix, May 24

20 May 2015

DIY Culture 2015 kicks off this week with a screening and talk titled Zines, Comics and Alternatives and taking place at London’s Rich Mix on May 24.

This year’s themes include women & technology, video art & science, DIY experiments, hacking and coding, biology and theoretical physics, and the democraticising of lab science. Chaired by Helena Wee (the co-curator of DIY Cultures), the event will bring in a handful of speakers, including London Biohackspace, a UK community biolab based around open-source principles and community access.

Other speakers include Blackgirltech discussing teaching computer coding to ethnic minority women, multi-disciplinary artist Chooc Ly Tan screening her art and science videos, and Breaking the Frame / Gail Chester on Ludditism and Gender and Technology. 

See the FB event page for details. **


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