Colin Stetson

The End Of Your Suffering (live)

31 October 2012

Whenever Colin Stetson takes one of his saxophones on his hands goosebumps fly all over the room, so it’s a highly gratifying surprise to learn that he will be bringing those long labyrinths of cyclic air to our European lands starting mid-November.

Visiting cities like Brussels, Madrid or Dublin (no London or Paris?!) Colin joins many other Constellation-affiliated bands in their winter European-conquest task, here in Madrid he’ll participate in the 4th edition of “Acoustic Space” taking place @ Reina Sofia on November 15th.

At the same time CST just published the following video from one of his performances last year @ Montreal’s Oboro Gallery in a cross-performance with mutimedia artist Brad Todd where he performs “The End Of Your Suffering,” from his EP “Those Who Didn’t Run”.

If you’re in France, The Netherlands, Norway, Finland, Ireland, Belgium or Switzerland then you maybe interested in knowing when he’ll be dropping by, more info this way.

Those who didn't run cover
Those who didn’t run cover

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The stars in his head

1 May 2011

For a man like Mr Stetson & the record company behind his critically acclaimed “New History… “ it could have been easier to hire an animator (not even hire, just ask politely any Calarts student for free) and ask for an edgy stop-motion clip with a mix of vintage footage & organic elements with a constant but evolutionary loop.

Nah, instead, Stetson & the pipol @ Constellation thought that a live performance of “The Stars in his head” at 3am in sub-zero temperatures in a Montreal underpass next to their headquarters was a way better idea. A survival test performed live. No loopers or pre-recorded tracks or post-production funny business. All sounds made by Colin Stetson in real-time with that circular breathing technique we all wish to learn someday. Valvework, vocalisations through the reed.

And another gift from our friend Vincent Moon (behind La Blogoteque)…. enjoy!

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