You Are Being Hunted

Sir, You Are Being Hunted goes to KS

5 November 2012

One of the most anticipated games in the indie scene right now is “Sir, You are being hunted“, that survival and stealth game set in the always creepy British countryside which should be arriving sometime next year. The most scary bit is that it isn’t set or inspired by any specific location but the whole environment is automatically generated!

SYABU still (image via Big Robot)
SYABU still (image via Big Robot)

Big Robot’s founder Jim Rossignol along with his team decided to try the Kickstarter pledging process by launching last Friday a campaign to fund the last creative steps and game tweaks necessary to finish SYABH….

Known to most of you as one of the old contributors to Offworld (and also Rock, Paper, Shotgun) Jim & co seem to have spent a lot of time on this project… and there more we get to know about these hunting robots who meet and drink tea in abandoned villages, the more we want to play them.

SYABU still2 (image via Big Robot)
SYABU still2 (image via Big Robot)

Because you don’t get to be haunted by a Brit mechanical aristocrat everyday we thought SYABH should be our next supported project. After all, this new sport will very probably make future Britain inhabitants feel like fox hunting was never banned or anything. More info on the project, clips and images on their KS page.

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