The Tearist


8 May 2012

Yep yep, the blogosphere is dying to know who these three guys are, what to they eat and who do they fuck with… even though they’ve only released a single so far. But getting of of those vintage temporary clips by The Tearist has its perks (wonder if any conditions). The delicate and dreamy game of seduction & flirting that not only happens in Sil & Ben’s heads will hopefully be the beginning of a long list of tracks to come from the … Lanzarote band?

The attention around the Epic Fling duo has literally exploded this morning and their facebook account is growing in followers each minute. After looking for more info the duo happen to have created the following little childhood story about their origins…

Sil and Ben, the twins, were born In Lanzarote and lived there (in Teguise) until the age of 15. This is when their parents got divorced. Their father was German and their Mother Brasilian. Sil went to live with his father in Berlin, and Ben went back to Sao Paulo. Noone really knows why the twins got separated. Back in Teguise The were in love with the same girl, the Mysterious Mina who used to live near the Timanfaya Volcano. The twins met again last year at the age of 30 during Mina funerals (the twins dont want to communicate about her death). Mina’s mother gave them a letter in which she said that she had always been in love with them, and could not make a choice. { their album tells this story }

Epic Fling single cover
Epic Fling single cover

Well, we really want to hear that sunny Canary Islands story then! For when?

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Gremlins cover by Patrick Jeffords himself
29 February 2012

Our good Frenchie friend The Tearist aaaaaalways sings some vintage videos for great new bands, the problem is… he always ends up deleting them after a short while!!! What’s the point then? Ayayayay all those copyrights and infringements… but the intention and what’s most important, the music, is always shared.

Like this great new single taken from Gremlins’ self-titled EP just released via bandcamp.. today! Not your ordinary South Carolina synth group as the project is one of those unique collaborations led by Toro Y Moi’s Patrick Jeffords along with Mat Cothran (Coma Cinema, Elvis Depressedly), Sam Ray (Ricky Eat Acid) and Katie Lee (Braids). This bomb has to be followed by an album right?

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