
Future/Tense @ Autobody Fine Art – Alameda

31 January 2010

Autobody Fine Art (the gallery hosting Matt136’s exhibition this February) will have their first juried show, celebrating the ecology and geographic diversity of Alameda island and opening in conjunction with Earth Day.

The island that Alameda occupies was originally a peninsula connected to Oakland. Much of the peninsula was low-lying and marshy, but on higher ground the peninsula and adjacent parts of what is now downtown Oakland were home to one of the largest coastal oak forests in the world. The area was therefore called “Encinal,” Spanish for “oak grove.” “Alameda” is Spanish for “grove of poplar trees” or “tree-lined avenue,” and was chosen in 1853 by popular vote.

Autobody FA are willing to boost local artists in this show, they’re now soliciting submissions that obviously focus on the ecological and environmental issues that affect Alameda Island (any kind of direct representation, metaphorical or allegorical abstraction, performance or installation, or, perhaps, a more didactic response to preservation, pollution and waste management). It’s up to you, but Autobody Fine Art encourages you to think “outside the box,” and surprise us with your creativity. Also video art, performance and installation concepts are more than welcome (and probably with more chances). The submissions end next March 10th (u have more than 2 months then…. and 15$ to pay).

For more details on the formats & sizes go to their website. Accepted artists will be notified by March 20th. Installation will begin on April 5th. Accepted installation artists will meet prior to installation and will be given a reserved space in the gallery for their work.

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