

5 April 2011

Ahhhh the power of data visualization tools and in general… the power of information availability. Here’s a new site that may come extremely handy for your future university works, power points … etc: TargetMap!

Basically TargetMap allows you to reate your own data maps from any data set and topic you can think of using Google Maps as a base and all the parameters you choose. Our first thought? Great! Now we can falsify any ppt or work making up our own data maps (and if they ask for the source we shall say… “TargetMap”)!

Such a powerful and subjective tool that as soon as you get into their site you’ll be able to see some complete random & personal maps like the “To visit / to avoid” one where it states France as the highest mark on this very personal (and frankly pathetic… everyone knows Belgium is the best place for vacations…).

As you can see from the tour below (or test it yourself) this tool is pretty easy to use and allows plenty of customization, using excel spreadsheets, map data combination… oh and the best part… it’s embeddable!

I think they explain it way better than us:

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