steve jobs


6 June 2011

Apple is loosing its magic and even though some fanboys would probably kill me for stating such obviousness the truth is that Jobs & co haven’t been capable of impressing and wowing the public over the last couple of Developer Conferences.

Today they announced a few catch-ups with the competitors for iOS 5 coming next fall (iMessage, better notifications, over-the-air updates, split keaboard, tab browsing, twitter integration… full video this way) and new few essentials, but having said that they announced the only thing that could really catch our eye… iTunes finally meeting the cloud.

We’ve known about iCloud for months (and expecting it for years) and it has finally arrived. The new free (and underline free) service for Apple users should allow you to automatically download any new music purchased to all your devices over Wi-Fi — or over 3G if you choose. Well, music… and the rest of Apple’s vision of the cloud: including iTunes, Photo Stream, Storage, iBooks, Backup, App Store, and all the MobileMe apps (Contacts, Calendar, Mail) with up to 5GB of storage.

Unfortunately this service is for now only available in the U.S. and if you’re willing to use & synch other music you hadn’t bought via iTunes then you’ll have to purchase the 25$ / year iTunesMatch service (booooo, Spotify does this for free!!).

Not enough storage with 5GB? You can always buy more of course!

A lot of catching up Apple?

rejoice & shout! true notifications are finally here!
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