
Unconscious Archives two-day program announced

22 October 2013

The “body’s appearance and disappearance” is the central theme of Unconscious Archives’ The Perfect Medium is the Wrong Message, a two day program, working across sound and film, and running in East London venues, Cafe Oto and Apiary Studios, November 1 and 2.

The Friday will feature a rarely screened  Malcolm Le Grice’s Horror Film 1, as well as light performance by Amy Dickson, flame-sound sculpture from Aura Satz, Sally Golding‘s projection piece ‘Face of An Other’ and Sir Gideon Vein‘s live TV pilot. The Saturday will feature a presentation on the spirit of early cinema by Guy Edmonds followed by a seance for home movies with ‘mediums’ Gary Wright and Demian Allen, personal pulp theatre from Tai Shani, Possession Trance as DDD from Ryan Jordan of noise=noise and experiments for a bed time dancefloor by TVO.

See the  Unconscious Archives website for more details. **

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Constant Dullart @ Moving Image Art Fair, Oct 17

15 October 2013

Ever the one to interrogate the globalised world through the lens of digital pixels, Constant Dullaart will be presenting his ‘Niagara Falls, Special Economic Zone PRC, HD VIDEO’ at this year’s Moving Image London, running October 17 to 19.

It’s based around ‘The Windows of the World’, a miniature theme park built in Special Economic Zone, Shenzen in 1994, offering a simulated view onto the rest of the world. All for a population of factory workers producing for a global market who might never otherwise set eyes on it.

See the Moving Image London website for more details. **

Header image: Constant Dullaart, ‘Niagara Falls, Special Economic Zone PRC, 1994’. HD video.

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Artists’ Film International running Oct 17

15 October 2013

As London International Film Festival and Frieze Art Fair rage on, Whitechapel Gallery finds a happy medium by presenting six new films from across cultures from Afghanistan, Hong Kong, Morroco, New Zealand, Turkey and Vietnam, for Artists’ Film International, running from October 17 to January 12.

Selected by 15 organisations from around the world, the programme of film, video and animation includes The Downfall of Light by Murray Hewitt, Jajouka Something Good Comes to You by Eric and Marc Hurtado, We Are All in the Same Boat by Bengu Karaduman, Gaining and Losing by Rahraw Omarzad and City & The City by Hong-An Truong, in collaboration Dwayne Dixon and  Morgan Wong’s Plus-Minus-Zero.

See the Whitechapel Gallery website for more details. **

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Jennifer Chan @ Videofag, Toronto

14 August 2013

Delightfully-titled exhibition space and barbershop conversion Videofag is presenting a one-night survey of Net artist Jennifer Chan‘s work tonight, August 14, in Toronto. She’s been based in a bunch of places but mainly lives on the internet, exploring its infrastructure and how that shapes our increasingly Net-dependent lives.

Kitsch, funny and critical of contemporary online culture, it’s worth a look if you’re in there area. If not we recommend check out her work where she lives.

See the Videofag Facebook for details. **

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