Rick Silva

Act Natural @ cermâ / Galerie Eva Meyer, Jan 7

6 January 2015

Online platform cermâ and Parisian Galerie Eva Meyer will be hosting the opening of the Act Natural group exhibition on January 7, cermâ on its website, and Galerie Eva Meyer in its Paris location.

The show, introduced as one consisting of internet-based artists working around and about nature, explores the changes in collective consciousness as communication technologies proliferate and become the norm. “In contract to nature,” the press release writes, “there’s nothing to master from the beginning. The simulated spaces are empty and therefore need to be populated in the first place.”

Participating in the show, which will be curated by Manuel Rossner, are three internet-based artists. Tasmanian-born Joe Hamilton works with technology and found materials to create “intricate and complex compositions online, offline and between”, and is joined by Shanghai-based video artist Kim Laughton, and video and website artist Rick Silva.

See the exhibition FB page for details. **

Particle from Kim Laughton on Vimeo.

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