Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Zineth Release Trailer

20 August 2012

I’m not sure how would I classify Zineth, something conceived by 7 different heads @ Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (ArcaneKids) as a final project for this year’s Experimental Game Design subject…. well, I guess the subject itself gives us some tips. A movement-focused game using Unity that proposes a largely empty, desert-like world where you’ll play a skating character.

Zineth screenshot
Zineth screenshot

The young man has one main task… to skate across the desert from city to city gathering information and delivering a small zine which has hired him as a way for you to pay off his debt… as a player you have a few others… like wandering around with the player’s mobile phone and play its monster fighting game… just try it will you?

Zineth screenshot 2
Zineth screenshot 2

While the game was finished last May, some people from the team have continued to work on it after graduation and it’s finally been released to the public earlier this month. The best thing… it’s downloadable for free from their project page… and we encourage you to try it.

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