Phone Sex

Unicorn Kid – Need U

Unicorn Kid - Need U
3 August 2012

It is amazing how the old school die hard. Here, the UKs trending twitter star and purveyor of #seapunk, Unicorn Kid presents a new video for the upcoming single release ‘Need U’ on 3beat. It hails from the world rave wave he started and Blood Diamonds feat Grimes continued with the brilliant Phone Sex EP released last month and also featuring a Unicorn Kid remix. Starting as a 16-year-old prodigy in the mid-noughties and becoming a 22-year-old trendsetter, Edinburgh-based Oliver Sabin is still keeping ahead of the curve -if being ahead means staying behind in a time when tech beats and anime was all the rage at the turn of the millennium. Dust off your Nintendo 64 and pull out the manga comics because things are about to get a whole lot more cyber centric.

Unicorn Kid’s ‘Need U’ is out on 3beat October 1, 2012.

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