Marc James Roels

Oh Willy…

22 January 2012

Looks like we have a big first candidate for “best animated short” of any 2012 festival.  Emma De Swaef and Marc James Roels (from Czar) just uploaded a nicely soft trailer a few days ago on their newest short that is premiering  at the Clermont Ferrand Film Festival in France this month.

Emma, Marc and Steven De Beul discussing animation and rigging
Emma, Marc and Steven De Beul discussing animation and rigging (photos from Beast animation blog)

The Franco-Brit-Dutch-Belgian production (a good list of studios were involved… Beast Animation / Vivement Lundi! / Polaris Film Productions / il Luster Films) still has many many festivals to visit this year, and maybe… just maybe, they’ll release it on-line next month so we can all admire that softie woolen stop-motion technique?

Something (with her love for naked men and super-sheep) Emma had already developed for her 2009 movie “Zache Planten” done while @ Hogeschool Sint-Lukas Brussel for which she received an award @ the Anima fest. Oh Willy… don’t make us wait too long.

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