‘Living in the Future’

Future Polities @ Auto Italia, Nov 24 – Jan 5

24 November 2014

Art/ Work Association (A/WA) is putting together a series of readings and workshops titled Future Polities and taking place at Auto Italia‘s King Cross space from November 24 through to January 5.

A/WA exists as an association of “creative workers” and artists churning out a self-generated programme of talks, workshops, reading groups, screenings, seminars and critical feedback sessions. For their latest series, they’ve joined forces with sci-fi and future-oriented art magazine, Living In The Future, for a five-session programme running through the next six weeks.

Based on the premise that science fiction offers “means with which to critique and reimagine the present”, Future Polities invites a selection of artists, writers, and cultural theorists to discuss future possibilities, including a group discussion with Ben Vickers, the initiator of unMonastery,  a reading of Ursula Le Guin‘s The Dispossessed, and a discussion with Helen Hester.

See the Future Polities programme page for details. **

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