Jack Halberstam

Disruption Network Lab 2 @ Kunstquartier Bethanien, May 29 + 30

27 May 2015

Disruption Network Lab will be taking over Berlin’s Kunstquartier Bethanien with their second event, titled CYBORG: Hacktivists, Freaks and Hybrid Uprisings, on May 29 + May 30.

The two-day event builds around the international launch of The Cyborg: A Treatise on the Artificial Man, written by political sci-fi theorist and activist Antonio Caronia. Curated by Disruption Network Lab director Tatiana Bazzichelli and curator Daniela SilvestrinCYBORG presents speeches, panels, and live cinema exploring the notion of cyborg identities and the power structures embedded in our modern interactions with technology.

Kicking off the programme with an introduction by sociologist and philosopher Franco “Bifo” Berardi, the first day also brings keynote speeches by cultural anthropologist Massimo Canevacci, as well as a panel discussion with trans/gender hacktivist and artist Helena Velena, artist and curator Janez Janša, and artist and hacktivist Agnese Trocchi.

The second day brings a short video by Giacomo Verde, speeches by Francesca Da Rimini and Virginia Barratt, and a panel with Jack Halberstam, Christopher Coenen and Stefan Greiner.

See the event page for details. **

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