Global Committee

Body2Body @ Garis & Hahn, Apr 9

9 April 2015

Global Committee is hosting an off-site launch party for the Body2Body exhibition, taking place at New York’s Garis & Hahn on April 9.

The artist-run project space is bringing in 12 international artists with a showcase of installations, performances and video works exploring the role of the body in the increasingly digitized world in which it may not longer be the primary vehicle for intimacy and experience.

As part of the launch are works by twelve international participating artists, including a new video by Laure Prouvost titled ‘We Know We Are Just Pixels’, and a performance titled ‘Available Space’ exploring the relationship of architectural space to image by filmmaker and artist Barbara Hammer.

There will also be video works by  Shana Moulton (‘MindPlace ThoughStream’), Andrew Norman Wilson (‘Uncertainty Seminars’), and Ann Hirsch (‘I, Decay Part III: Body Conscious’) among many others.

 See the event page for details. **

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