
Britt & Bert

11 September 2011

Bert & Britt eat & drink a lot. And by a lot I mean A LOT, well… the Belgian average I guess. Very gourmand people from Flanders who when not dressed up as living dead (or as anything else), and not traveling the world, still manage to find some time to draw us a sketch or two on their blog.

Mr. Sieve-head by Britt
Mr. Sieve-head by Britt for one of her animation projects

And so Bert & Britt, Britt & Bert, one working at Belgium’s media company D’M&S the other one about to graduate (next year) from Gent’s KASK (precisely where our Nachtspel friends studied) are busy trying to build their Birdbee empire.

Britt Raes' Homemade film poster
Britt Raes' Homemade film poster

It certainly won’t be easy but even if it’s only for their sketch blog and their monthly Sketch Gent afternoons they deserve a lot more of attention. Make sure you also pay Britt’s flickr page a visit.

Playstation Sketch by Bert
Playstation Sketch by Bert
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