gabriela berti

Pioneers of Graffiti in Spain

8 September 2009

Pioneers of Graffiti by Gabriela Berti is a book about how this Urban Art arrived to Spain during the 80s. It’s divided in two parts:

– The first one focuses around the first years during the boom of this phenomena.

– The second one is about the golden decade of Spanish graffiti. Influences from the rest of the continent, USA, the expansion of Hip Hop…

It also analysis in depth the so called “Golden Triangle” formed by the three top graffiti cities in Spain: Barcelona, Alicante & Madrid, and how it helped developing the movement in other cities; as well as the feminine scene inside graffiti.

Gabriela Berti vino a presentar su libro · Pioneros del graffiti en España · from montana_sevilla on Vimeo.

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