Dreamlands: Immersive Cinema and Art 1905–2016

Dreamlands… @ Whitney Museum, Oct 28 – Feb 5

27 October 2016

The Dreamlands: Immersive Cinema and Art, 1905–2016 survey exhibition is on at New York’s  Whitney Museum, opening October 28 and running to February 5, 2017. 

Billed as one of the most technologically complex shows mounted in the Whitney’s new building to date, Dreamlands examines over a century’s worth of art by American, and some German, artists dismantling and reassembling the conventions of cinema —screen, projection, darkness. 

The exhibition, which will take over the fifth-floor galleries and include a film series in the theatre on the third, is named after science-fiction writer H.P. Lovecraft’s alternate fictional dimension of an underworld visited only through dreams. Artists featured include Trisha Baga, Ivana Bašić, Dora Budor, Ian Cheng, Andrea Crespo, Pierre Huyghe, and Aidan Koch among others, in an immersive experience that utilises installation, drawing, 3-D environments, sculpture, performance, painting, and online space. 

Other contributors working with “color, touch, music, spectacle, light, and darkness to confound expectations, flattening space through animation and abstraction” also include Lynn Hershman Leeson, Lorna Mills, Jayson Musson, Hito Steyerl, Artie Vierkant and many more. 

See the Whitney Museum website for details.**

Andrea Crespo, 'virocrypsis' (2015). Install view. Super Weird Rin - Singing Animation by jim830928. Courtesy Swiss Institute, New York.
Andrea Crespo, ‘virocrypsis’ (2015). Install view. Super Weird Rin – Singing Animation by jim830928. Courtesy Swiss Institute, New York.

Header image: Hito Steyerl, ‘Factory of the Sun’ (2015). Installation view. Photo by Sarah Wilmer. Courtesy the artist + Andrew Kreps Gallery, New York.

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