Demystification Committee

Demystification Committee debuts ECHO FX, an audiovisual presentation on representing Brexit financial markets

30 June 2021

British collective Demystification Committee is releasing the stream of ECHO FX on June 30 at 7PM BST. The AV film revisits the sociopolitical and economic tumult following the Brexit referendum results during the week of its fifth anniversary.

ECHO FX situates itself in story of Nigel Farage, a former trader that manipulated the market and famously shorted the Pound on the June 2016 night of Brexit Vote. Farage conceded a defeat he knew unlikely so as to maximize profits on the Pound crash. The film attempts to challenge dominant representations of the event, combining footage with social media, market timelines, and replayed reactions of investors earning millions.

Demystification Committee’s ECHO FX is streaming via their website on June 30 at 7PM BST.

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