daniel gross


17 March 2011

Everyone is wondering what the next Google will be like. Whether it will be born in India, London or California, and each year there’s a new start-up, a new project (let’s leave facebook & twitter aside) that plays & twists a search game with a slightly different approach.

All those little innovations (privacy by the already extinguished Yauba, computational search by Wolfram Alpha, “decision” engines by Bing….) are sooner or later absorbed by big G, bought, copied or improved… they’re taken into account.

What Google hasn’t managed to do yet (besides their products) is reach every nook & cranny of the web (your facebook messages for example), but it will come… or not. In the meantime a young Israeli (only 19 y.o. without even a degree) named Daniel Gross has come up with the next big challenge for Google: Greplin.

His search product indexes and lets you search all of your online social accounts (Gmail, Twitter, Facebook, etc.) and it went public last month.

Daniel left Israel for the Silicon Valley to go under the Y combinator umbrella last year, not only leaving his studies but also the 3 year obligatory national service…

and after a complete makeover of Greplin‘s back end they’re now 5 people dedicated to the product.  What we don’t know yet is how long until Google starts indexing other competitor’s services…. and if they’ll ever allow it.

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