Corpse Light

Angus & Soest

12 November 2011

You know how much we love our Lord, so much that we’re already giving you ideas (like Oliver’s bunker) for next year’s big date. Because we all know how this ends right? And in order to prepare yourselves for the arrival of the lord next December 2012 we propose you come and visit Angus & Soest‘s solo exhibition @ London’s Catch bar next December 1st.

‘On my watch’ 2011 - Angus & Soest
‘On my watch’ 2011 - Angus & Soest

The “Not So Popular” art collective have teamed up with trendy East-London Catch bar to bring the always sexually (explicit) art of Ellen Angus & one of their newest “protégés”: Soest (whose sounds you may have heard before but we had now idea he had this brush tandem with the Scottish).

Limbo Of The Patriarchs 2011 - Angus & Soest
Limbo Of The Patriarchs 2011 - Angus & Soest

Large apocalyptic oil paintings…. now is there anything more attractive than that? Maybe naked portraits (and we know a certain gallery that wouldn’t accept them) … but that’s about it. Although… if we tell you that on top of admiring what the last few days of 2012 will look like you get good music and free drinks… then you may reconsider those naked portraits for some grotesque human figures right? More info on their fb page (below below).

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