
True Romance

24 September 2012

It’s been a long time since we’ve posted about anything Kitsune-related, but when they give away free kissing classes like the one they’ve just uploaded to their youtube channel, then it’s kind of obligatory for us to share their “expertise”.

The London quintet Citizens recently released their debut LP “Here We Are” under that sometimes “half-apparel” others “half-label” house Kitsuné (which they describe as “a real blessing“). And with just a couple weeks away from their U.S. release why not sharing with us some of their smooching knowledge?

Theirs… or that of French collective We are from LA… and because the old clip one wasn’t “occidentally” romantic and instructive enough (not in a Vancouver-riot style at least) this one comes with step-by-step instructions for all positions, situations and flavors.

 The best of all is that you can download the single Gildas Kitsuné Club Night remix this way.

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