alex chiu

Taffy Colored Clouds

2 June 2011

From Aleix to Alex, another young cartoonist but this time from San Diego (now moved down to Culver City, LA). Mr doodles (or Chiu if you prefer) lives in a big messy house with neon paint all over the garage floor and loads of old records and fliers… symptoms of a compulsive-obsessive disorder… or of someone who knows how to live well.

High Heels

He describes his own works as “nonsensical drawings”, very loaded visceral pieces that keep invading the local (LA) and on-line worlds with his bubbly eyed creatures… our page, zines, t-shirts, art shows… (a few already scheduled for this month in LA). And how did we get to know him? Well, he got recently interviewed @ Saatchi On-line, and that can’t go unnoticed for us.

Nice to meet you

But besides earning his pennies in this crisis climate Alex also participates actively in the DIY Grad school which seeks to “question our current higher educational system through the use of technology, multi-media interaction, peer groups of learning, community art and music events, and the praxis where theory and practice meet“. The collective itself provides with collaborative higher learning in the arts without having to pay the excessive tuition fees (and believe us we know a bit about that here in the U.K.). More like a complement to your academic education, maybe you should check it out if living around the LA area.

Hellish Nightmare

Oh and if you decide to Google him, please go for this one, not the immortality one (he’s fake). More images (or even buy his prints) this way.

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