Digital Sweat Gallery

Faith Holland GIFs @ Transfer, Jul 11

10 July 2015

Faith Holland continues her incredible streak with the visual mixtape ‘GIFs to Have Sex By’, featuring more than 40 artists and screening at New York’s Transfer on July 11.

With ‘GIFs to Have Sex By’, which screens first at the gallery and then online at Digital Sweat Gallery the following day, Holland invites 40 different artists to offer their interpretations of sexual encounters. Included in the line-up are artists like Nicole Killian, Rollin Leonard and Alma Alloro.

The Brooklyn gallery is also the site of Holland’s latest exhibition, Technophilia (now extended until July 25), and her Visual Orgasms series of looped images and Ookie Canvas cum shot collages. ‘GIFs to Have Sex By’, originally intended as the finale of Holland’s show, is the climax (we had to) of Holland’s explorations into sexuality and the visual intensity of the porn industry.

See the FB event page for details. **

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