Space Between the Skies @ apexart, Mar 23 – May 14

, 21 March 2016

New York’s apexart space will present a group show Space Between the Skies opening March 23 and running May 14.

Organised by Christopher Manzione who will also show work and including New York-based Nicholas O’Brien —who was interviewed by aqnb about his research-orientated practice last year —the show will transform the physical space of apexart into a multi-virtual realm with several digital and non-digital ‘landscapes’ projected around the room.

The imagery will be made up of video game shots, “…algorithmic collages, documentary footage of Wuhan, China, and dynamically enhanced audio/visual 360-degree responsive forest environments”, according to the press release.

Other artists in the show include Seth Cluett, John Craig Freeman, Ricky Graham and Rachel Rossin.

See the exhibition page for further details**

Nicholas O'Brien, As Much as We Sweep (2014). Courtesy the artist and Bomb Magazine
Nicholas O’Brien, ‘As Much as We Sweep’ (2014). Courtesy the artist and Bomb Magazine.